downloadable material

You are very welcome to download these materials for free, if you want further consultation around the material, don't hesitate to contact us

Defining your value

This document will help you and your team to define your true value. This is the start of your Revenue Generation Framework™ journey.

Customer analysis

If you want to bring value to your customer, you need to understand what the world looks like from their perspective. This is a truly powerful document to help you do this.

The sales process

These are the four phases of a buyers decision making. It is important not to try and skip any step. The longer you stay on step 1 and really understand the customer, the better chance you have to close the deal. Step 1 is linked to the Customer Analysis sheet.

Opportunity mapping tool

By identifying the opportunities, you can plan your marketing activities better. This tool can be used as a base for workshop activities by drawing it on a whiteboard. By adding profitability for each product you can also do prioritization.

The customer meeting

Once you are in the customer meeting (live or virtual) or on a phone call with them, this document will help you to have a strong dialogue, finding out the challenges, detailing the opportunities and closing strongly.

Whiteboarding help

Whiteboarding is a really strong tool to help you when you have landed that 20 minutes intro meeting with a C-level sponsor-to-be. Through whiteboarding you will together map our the current state and the issues it brings, and the opportunities your solution can bring. Whiteboarding requires training, so do not hesitate to contact usfor help. Whiteboarding is always done with a whiteboard, never a powerpoint!

Webinar check-list

Having run several webinars, we know that there are a lot of things to keep in mind. This check-list helps you get everything ready, in time and also recounts the post-event activities.

More to come...

We will add more documents to help you in your work. Please sign up for the newsletter, so you can be informed of when we have new documents available.