#Kassakuntoon - podcast (in Finnish)

Marraskuussa 2022 sain kunnian vierailla suuresti ihalemani Sami Saarenpää #Kassakuntoon podcastissa. 
Juttelimme myynnistä, miten sitä tehtiin silloin ennenvanhaa, ja miten se on muuttunut. Puhuimme myös siitä, miten voimme tänä päivänä, strategisella työllä, olla relevantteja asiakkaillemme vaikka emme kohtaa heitä myyjinä.
Ota mukava asento, kuppi kahvia tai teetä ja nauti tunnin keskustelusta.

Video Series on Sales

We have collected here a series of videos for you to enjoy. Want to know how Demand Generation can help your business? Are you looking at developing yourself as as sales leader? How does a buying process proceed in B2B?
The buying process
Discover the process every buyer goes through when they are deciding on purchasing more or less anything. The basis of everything.
Demand Generation
Demand generation is the strategy where you help your customers to move from one phase of the buying process to the next.
Sales should love demand generation
Demand generation strategy helps your sales! Your sales people will have more hotter leads and thus close deals - faster!
Your customers do not care about the benefits your solutions bring - they care about the VALUE it can give them.
How to measure Demand Generation Success
This can be very tricky... or then again, maybe not. All you need to do is...
Marketing technology
What are the top 3 marketing technologies you need in order to cater for the modern buyer.
Good content
Content can be a lot of things. It varies depending on your channel, audience, purpose. Make sure to study your audience.
CRM - how leaders use it
CRM is underutilized in most companies. Data is not good, and processes are lacking. It's like having a power tool, and using it as a hammer.
In-person discovery or self-education
Is your first Call To Action button on your webpage "book a demo" - maybe you should rethink that strategy. Not everybody wants to book a demo before knowing if this is something for them.
Skills of a Sales Leader
Empathy and humble curiosity - these are by far the most important skills of a sales leader, at least in our opinion.
Big Corp - you are not exempt
As a well known, industry leader, you cannot stay complacent. These strategies affect you as well. Watch why.


Webinars that we have hosted will be visible here.
Why do we need to change B2B sales? (Webinar 26.10.2022)
This webinar presents the background on how sales has changed during the last 10-15 years and how B2B companies needs to change their Revenue Generating strategy and tactics, in order to cater to changed buying methods.
Only 5% of the buying processes start off thanks to a B2B sales person. The rest, 95% are started by the buying entity getting exposed to information on the internet, either via ads, SoMe, peer networks, forums etc. B2B buyers are more independently searching for information. For a B2B sales person to succeed in getting that call, the call needs to be expected and wanted.
Ilmainen koulutus (In Finnish only)
40 minuutin ilmainen koulutus
  • Mikä on ympäristömme nyt
  • Mikä on ostoprosessi
  • Mitä myyt
  • Mitä työkaluja kannattaa ottaa käyttöön
  • Minkälainen on uusi myyntiprosessi

Katso koulutus tästä